1. The Ideal
A person who is under
authority submits to the will of the leader. Unity in thought, purpose, and
effort is achieved only as one leads out and the other submits to the leading.
Together, as one, they work in cooperation doing what is now the will of both.
There is no conflict, no occasion for criticism. This is the God-designed ideal
in which husbands and wives are meant to relate within marriage (I Corinthians
The natural advantages of
this ideal can be viewed functioning in the world through such examples as the
coordinated actions of the human body responding to the will of the brain,
soldiers complying with their regimental leader in battle, and so forth. The
principle is a tactic of order, and in direct opposition to chaos.
2. The Reality
From universal personal
experience, we know that criticism can make the critical person seem unsafe to
the recipient. It can be so distressing that it often makes it hard to perform
at our best around the critic thereafter. And how much more so when that person
is someone whose view of us is so vitally important to our existence, like our
During courtship, most
people instinctively understand that unconditional love is the Holy Grail that
all are seeking in a mate. (Never mind that unconditional love can only be found in Christ). We instinctively know better than to threaten the relationship with criticism during this
period. Unfortunately, after marriage, the growing familiarity causes our inherent differences to become glaringly obvious. As the infatuation wears off, the verbal
observation of these differences (i.e., “faults”) appears to constitute an
immediate threat to the bond of attachment that we so desperately desire to
preserve with our mate.
For this reason, the
earliest period of a marriage - that time between the cooling of the “crush”
and the building of real love through an investment of self - is when many
marriages fail. Unless either mate’s criticism is delivered with considerable
tact and restraint (probably much more the exception than the rule), most
spouses experience painful feelings of withdrawn love, validation, and support.
For wives in particular, the negative emotions of a prickled pride and the more subtle fear of abandonment make it very difficult for them to listen
objectively to their husband’s remarks, calmly appraise them, and respond with all the strength of an “Iron Lady” Margaret Thatcher.
In addition, as sinfully
self-centered humans, criticism, even well-intentioned criticism, is usually
understood to be a direct assault on the ego, so it’s only normal to react far
more emotionally than rationally. The unconditional love, which we all thought we
would be receiving when we married, is now seemingly withdrawn, and thus our ability to return to an affectionate state has been undermined. For these reasons, criticism
triggers an emotional sorrow akin to the loss of something particularly
treasured, as in a death, so naturally it results in a painful grief.
Our self-love much prefers
praise, which is often taken to be an expression of love; but all-in-all,
neither praise nor criticism are genuine signs of love as it is defined in the embroidery on a
pillow I once saw: “Love (luhv) (noun) A profoundly tender, passionate
affection for another person; an ineffable feeling of warn personal attachment.” Service,
loyalty, respect, nurture, and sharing are all markers of real love; praise and
criticism are not.
It is important to note
that a critical husband doesn’t usually engage his wife with malice
aforethought. It is likely that his behavior, offensive as it may be,
represents little more than his single-minded striving to get his own wants
and needs met, thus, leaving him oblivious to its possible impact on their
spouse. If a wife is honest though, she must confess that she is often like
this, too. A selfish will is the hallmark of all humanity’s sin nature, so she
can’t “throw any rocks around in her own glass house” - -
3. The Wife:
In truth, unless a woman
marries herself, this little “death” of unconditional love is inevitable. All a
godly wife can do in the face of her husband’s criticism is to battle the
tendency toward bitterness, counter any reciprocal critical thoughts about him,
and try to accept his “help” at face value. The Lord wants us to gain more than just an intuitive understanding of the value of humility and the danger of pride. Therefore, it may be that through our mate’s criticism, we may actually be viewing Him at work
perfecting us. As I say this, I am reminded of my pastor’s extremely apt “rock
polisher” metaphor for marriage, wherein the couple are the crude stones to be
polished into gems, the added sandy grit
represents the annoyances common to life, and the lubricating water is the Holy
Spirit. All the parts mix and abraise each other in a polishing process that ultimately produces glowing jewels instead of rough rocks.
With this in mind as a metaphor for the process of spiritual growth, ask the
Lord to help you take your eyes off the offense of the criticism and focus on
the real markers of your husband's love, such as his provision for you, his
enjoyment of your company, the fact that he considers your input seriously,
etc. These are the true signposts of love.
4. The Husband:
As for the critical
husband, he should know that the love he shows his wife needs to include a
respect for her that understands that, as his wife, she is not him, nor an
extension of him, or even some product that he ultimately needs to produce in
conformation with himself. In a loving relationship, both mates need to
understand that they are and will remain unique individuals, and they must
learn how to mesh their desires with each other. A husband should be very
circumspect in his criticism because those little “wins” will set back his
wife’s affection for him and, therefore, her attachment to him - - something he
dearly needs, too, because marriage is for a lifetime.
A man must also understand
that experience is always the best teacher and that his wife will learn
just as much from her mistakes, as he does from his.
5. The Couple:
If either mate seeks any
modification that will assist in improved personal development, the other mate should
embrace it without pride. It’s a win-win for the partnership because of the
growth and the strengthened commitment that comes through cooperation and
taking each other’s counsel gracefully.
It should also be noted
that between Christian spouses, both husband and wife would do well to forever
release the need to defend themselves. In their persons, God has created two
bright and beautiful people. No defense is necessary because mere words cannot
subtract from the truth of the goodness He has vested in each of His people.